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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. Use our listings of places to stay to find accommodation as you plan your next trip.

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181 to 190 of 656

North of Mbabane, these cottages are set in beautiful gardens.? A pool is available for use as well.
Located in the scenic hills of Mbabane. Excellent for business people or leisure travelers.
Car rental service and room service available. Guided tours of local sights can be arranged.
swimming pool
Located in the center of town.
Guest house a short walk from Mbabane town center.
Hotel that caters to conferences and meetings. Good for vacation stays as well.
One of those places that actually live up to the hipe, perhaps the best value for your money south of...
Converted stable barn in a dormitory style, sleeping 24 in 11 stables. Showers, fully equipped kitchen included.
Backpackers hostel with an eight-room bunkhouse as well as three double rooms. Self-catering kitchen, tents and bicycles can be hired,...